We have a new phone number: 0300 323 0325


Why have we changed our number?

➤ The new number will replace the existing 020 7209 9222 and 0800 040 7989 numbers – one number is easier to remember!

➤ In the event of an emergency where we may lose power, we can divert the new 0300 number to another location so calls can still be taken.

How much does it cost to call 0300 323 0325?

➤ No more than a national rate when you call from your mobile, payphone or landline.

➤ As part of any landline or mobile inclusive minutes package, 0300 numbers are automatically included. So in some cases it will not cost you any money to contact us.

What happens if I call the old numbers?

➤ The old numbers are no longer working. From January 2017 only the 0300 323 0325 number will work. So remember to save 0300 323 0325 into your mobile phone, or keep the number near your landline phone. Use it whenever you need to call us, this includes out-of-hours and for emergencies.