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Out and about with Carol



Annelle is working hard to provide a good service and our walkabout further reinforced the critical importance of listening to and acting effectively on the issues of most concern to residents. These were primarily the standard of cleaning and grounds maintenance, fly tipping, inappropriate refuse disposal and estate security – with significant ASB issues caused by rough sleeping and gatherings of large noisy groups of people in common areas, made worse where door and gate locks and entry systems are frequently broken. 

It was however great to speak with residents who really care about their homes and estates and put their own time and money into making common areas look attractive with planting and seating. We need to show our appreciation and work alongside these residents to improve the look and feel of their estates. This means offering much greater visibility, continuity of service and accountability by creating neighbourhood plans with their involvement and following through to make them happen, making sure that communication and engagement with residents is at the forefront of how we go about our day to day work.