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Building safety, communal areas, neighbourhood safety and other safety advice

Origin is responsible for the communal areas in the buildings we own. We carry out regular building inspections to make sure our residents can exit the building safely if there is an emergency.

If we find any hazards that might prevent people from being able to enter or leave the building safely we’ll leave a notice on them to let the owners know they need to be moved. This is often things like bikes and scooters. We respect our residents' belongings and would rather not remove them at any point, however, if there is a risk to other residents in the building we’ll need to remove them. We also regularly inspect the neighbourhood and report any concerns or maintenance that’s needed when required.

What we’d like you to do to help keep everything as safe as possible

  • Please report any safety or potential environmental issues. These can include:

    • Fly tipping
    • Broken street lighting
    • Slip/trip hazards
    • Unsafe trees
    • Antisocial behaviour
    • Issues with vermin (especially around bin storage areas) 
  • Please dispose of your rubbish carefully to keep things clean and tidy and close any doors behind you. This will help minimise the risk of fly-tipping, help prevent vermin and minimise any fire risk.

  • Please make sure you are aware of, and follow, the responsibilities outlined in your Tenancy Agreement if you keep a pet. Report any dangerous or out-of-control animals to us at Origin by emailing enquiries@originhousing.org.uk, calling us on 0300 323 0325 or speaking to your Neighbourhood Manager please also report any issues to your local council. 

Making changes to your home 

To make your house a home, you might want to make changes or do some DIY – but it’s important you don’t start any work without talking to us first.

You can make decorative changes (like painting or changing carpets) For anything else, you'll need to let us know what you want to do and ask us for permission before you begin.
Examples where you'll need our permission before carrying out work (this list is not exhaustive)

  • Changing kitchen and bathroom units or layouts
  • Changing the services to your home, for example putting in a gas supply, adding electrical sockets or changing heaters
  • Putting in a new fireplace or altering an existing fireplace
  • Any structural alteration, such as knocking down a wall, putting up a false wall, removing a built-in cupboard
  • Installing double glazing or replacing a front door

How to ask for permission
Please write to us in the first instance regarding your plans. We will need full details of what you'd like to do. Once we have reviewed your request, we’ll either give you permission or let you know why you can’t make the changes.

If you have any questions your local council will be able to provide information and advice on bin collections and dates and any environmental crimes like fly-tipping.

We can advise you around on cleaning and maintenance schedules and provide any information you need on the responsibilities we have as a landlord and your responsibilities as a tenant.

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