Places for People merger

On the 19 October 2023, we announced our plans to merge with Places for People. Here you can find the information that we have shared.
Communication and merger timetable so far:
19 October 2023 - We announced that we were in merger talks with Places for People on our website.
23 October 2023 - We wrote and emailed all residents with a more detailed letter and frequently asked questions. This included dates and times for drop in sessions both online and in-person. Following resident feedback, we added on an extra date at our Watermill Lane office.
1 November 2023: With the agreement of Spotlight (our resident representative committee) we recruited an external Resident Adviser, Glenn Alum, who was available to talk through any concerns or comments about the merger.
15 December 2023: Our six week consultation with residents closed on the 7 December, and we published the main concerns that had been raised and what the next steps would be.
9 February 2024: On 8 February, our Shareholders voted to approve the merger.
16 April 2024: We officially joined Places for People as a subsidiary.
16 December 2024: The first of our teams officially integrated with Places for People. Our Development team moved over in mid-December.
If you have any questions, or would like to know more please contact us.