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Why make a complaint?

Examples of complaints are:

  • The service we provided wasn’t to a good standard.
  • The length of time taken to provide the service or information you need.
  • Our failure to keep you informed of a decision we made.
  • The attitude or behaviour of our employees or contractors.

On receipt of your complaint, we aim to log and acknowledge your complaint within five working days, either as a service request or a formal stage 1 complaint. Details of the difference between the two can be found in our Complaints Policy.

If we log your complaint at stage 1 of our complaints process, a Customer Relations Officer will be allocated to your complaint and will then contact you to discuss the issues and agree with you the scope of the investigation. They will also work with you to understand what you are seeking to resolve the issue. We aim to fully respond to your complaint and issue(s) with our formal response and within 10 working days, from the date we log and acknowledge your complaint. If we need more time to complete the investigation or need to gather more information, we will contact you to discuss this. 

Who can complain?

Anyone who uses, or receives a service from any part of Origin Housing can complain. To read our Complaints Policy please click here: Complaints Policy 2024. 

What is not covered by the Complaints Policy?

We will not log your enquiry as a formal complaint if it is about:

  • a repair, provision of service or action, if the target completion date has not yet passed
  • a request for information
  • a first time service request
  • neighbour disputes (please see our Anti-Social Behaviour policy). What we can do is check if our ASB policy and process has been followed correctly
  • a problem that you have known about for over 12 months before making a complaint about it
  • legal action which you are currently taking against us and which has to do with an earlier complaint you have made or has come from the complaints procedure

Reasonable adjustments

Origin Housing are committed to ensuring that disabled people are not disadvantaged in accessing our services, this includes registering a complaint and following our complaints process. If you need to us adapt normal policies, procedures, or processes to accommodate your needs, we can do this for you. If you would like to request any reasonable adjustments in line with Equality Act, please contact us directly. 
For example, any of the documents on this page of our website can be provided in a different font or font size if this meets your needs. We also offer these documents in a number of other formats such as provision of information in appropriate alternative formats (eg large print, Braille, coloured paper etc).

If you'd like to read our full Reasonable Adjustments Policy please click here. 

How to make a complaint

There are lots of ways you can make a complaint:

  • Complete the online form - Submit a new complaint here
  • Email us at: complaints@originhousing.org.uk
  • Use our interactive chat facility on this page.
  • Call us on: 0300 323 0325
  • In writing or, in person: Complaints Manager , Origin Housing, 110 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1BS
  • You can also use our WhatsApp platform from the menu bar on this page or on; 07723 451 294  
  • Or, via our social media channels displayed on this page.