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Retirement housing

Retirement Housing (2)

Our retirement housing is specially designed to meet the needs of older people. Our dedicated schemes provide:

  • Comfortable, well decorated and self-contained living space;
  • Individual door entry systems;
  • Large communal patios with garden furniture;
  • Communal lounges, laundries and guest rooms;
  • A dedicated Scheme Manager on-site;
  • 24 hour emergency alarm systems;
  • Handyperson service.

Where are the schemes located?

We have retirement housing in Barnet, Camden and Stevenage.

You can view and search our schemes for older people on the Housing Care website.

Who qualifies for retirement housing?

To qualify, you must be an older person with proven care and support needs that cannot be met in your current home.

Do I have to pay?

Yes. If you live in one of our retirement houses, you will have to pay:

  • rent,
  • service charges,
  • your utility bills.

How do I apply?


In Camden, you will need to apply directly to the council. 

You can find out more about retirement housing options on the Camden Care Choices website. To apply, go to the Apply for Social Housing page on the council's website.

Barnet and Stevenage

We hold a waiting list for new applicants seeking retirement housing in Barnet and Stevenage. To apply to join the waiting list, you need to have an assessment with the Scheme Manager at the scheme you want to live in.

To find out more, please call Origin Housing on 0300 323 0325.