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Contact Financial Support Team

Benefits support

If you are unsure that you are receiving all of the benefits you are entitled to, contact our Financial Support Team. They will carry out a full assessment of your circumstances and provide you with information on which benefits you should apply for.

To contact our Financial Support Team, you can call 0300 323 0325 or fill in the form below. We will get back to you within 72 hours. 

Benefits Calculator

Using this free and easy-to-use calculator can help you check what benefits you might be entitled to.

If you want to use the calculator, you will have to share personal information with entitledto on their website, including your postcode, age, disability status and income, so that they can calculate your benefits or see if you qualify for Tax Credits.

Entitledto ask for your email so they can send you a copy of your results too. Once you've left their site, they do not store personal information that you share with them. To read their privacy policy, click here.

If you would like to discuss your benefit options, please contact our Financial Support Services team by calling 0300 323 0325 or by filling in the form below. This service is completely free and we will get back to you within 72 hours. 

Bedroom Tax

If you have a spare bedroom and you are renting a council or housing association property, then your Housing Benefit may be reduced. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘Bedroom Tax’, the ‘under-occupation penalty’ or the ‘removal of the spare room subsidy’.

If you are affected, your Housing Benefit (or the housing element of Universal Credit) is cut by the following percentage:

  • 14% for one extra bedroom
  • 25% for two or more extra bedrooms

You can find more information about the bedroom tax in this government guide.

Money and benefit support

If you find yourself facing money problems, our Financial Support Team is here to help.

Get in touch and the Financial Support Team will do a full assessment of your circumstances, taking into account the money you have coming in as well as options you have for maximising your income. These could be through benefits payments or through debt options.